Papaveria Press is running a contest of interest to the fairy tale community. Remember the Snow White, Blood Red Series edited by Terri Windling & Ellen Datlow? Or Brian Froud’s Faerielands? How about Patricia A. McKillip‘s collection of wonderful novels, notable for their cover art by Kinuko Y. Craft, their gorgeous prose and their perfect size? Papaveria will be producing a series of fairy tale novellas inspired by the literary and visual aesthetics of these best-loved books. The only thing we are lacking is a name for the series itself!
The Contest: Suggest a name or names for Papaveria’s fairy tale series. It must be a word or short phrase that says ‘this is a fairy tale’. It can be drawn from any fairy tale or it can be something of your own creation, but it must not conflict with the series that already exist. This contest is running from October 15 through November 15, 2010. The winner will receive one copy of both The Winter Triptych and Jack o’ the Hills, the first two offerings from this series by Papaveria Press, to be produced as small paperbacks with lavish covers.
Please include your name and postal address in your email. I will choose a winner on November 16 and notify them by email. Please put FAIRY TALE CONTEST in the subject of your email. Send your entries to
The Prize:
One copy of The Winter Triptych by Nicole Kornher-Stace, with cover art by Oliver Hunter.
Mike Allen, Nebula Award nominee and editor of Mythic Delirium, has this to say: “Nicole Kornher-Stace’s The Winter Triptych is an icily glittering marvel of storytelling construction. This wicked tale of evil queens, mad huntsmen, martyred witches and a terrible curse that unfolds over a century executes its slight-of-hand in diabolical layers. The immediate tableau before your eyes never flags as it pulls you in with its sweeping cast of characters, coldly terrifying villains and earnestly compelling heroines. And underneath it all, piece after piece locks and turns into place, until the entire triptych unfolds in a stunning revelation of inexorable fate, time-bending wonder and blood-curdling horror. I hold Nicole in both awe and envy: at the start of her career, she has already produced a masterwork.”
Oliver Hunter is best known for the gorgeous work he does for the ezine Goblin Fruit. He also created the cover for Nicole’s poetry collection Demon Lovers and Other Difficulties as well as Amal El-Mohtar’s The Honey Month (also published by Papaveria Press).
And one copy of Jack o’ the Hills by C.S.E. Cooney.
C.S.E. Cooney has spent the last two years perched in an aerie of the Windy City. Her fiction and poetry can be found in Clockwork Phoenix 3, Apex Magazine, Ideomancer, Doorways, Drollerie Press, Goblin Fruit, and Mythic Delirium. She has work upcoming in Strange Horizons, Black Gate and Cabinet des Fées.Â
You can get a taste of her writing here, at Subterranean Press. Jack o’ the Hills brings together Stone Shoes, originally published with Subterranean Press online in Summer of 2007, and its unpublished sequel “Oubliette’s Egg”.
Both are due out either late this year or early next, depending on how quickly our artists complete the covers, and both of them will be yours if you can tell us what the name of this series will be!